Withdrawal Policy

A clear calendar month’s notice in writing or a month’s fee in lieu of notice must be given before the pupil can be withdrawn. Annual Fees to be paid proportionately.
Those who leave school in May must, in all cases, pay the fee for the month of June.
Transfer Certificate or withdrawal is not issued until all dues of the school are settled.
Students can be asked to leave the school on following grounds:
Unsatisfactory progress in work.
Repeated detention in the class.
A child who fails twice in the same class will not be permitted to continue his/her studies in the school, especially if he/she is over age for that class.
Note: Where the withdrawal takes place due to above reason the question of charging a month’s fee in lieu of notice does not arise.
No leave of absence is granted except on prior written application from parents or guardians and even then for plausible reason only.
Every absence (due to sickness or otherwise)must be timely informed to school in the form of application.
A student returning to school after suffering from an infection or contagious disease should produce a Doctor’s certificate permitting him to do so. Student suffering from the following diseases must observe the prescribed period of quarantine before returning to class.
Chicken Pox: Till complete falling of scabs.
Cholera: Till the child is completely well.
Measles: Two weeks after the rash disappears.
Mumps: Until the swelling and rash disappear.
Whooping cough: six weeks.
Those absent without sanctioned leave will be fined at the rate of Rs. 10-per day.
Absence of more than three days immediately after a vacation renders the student liable to have his/her name struck off the rolls, if prior permission has not been availed.
It is compulsory for the students to complete 80% of their attendance in the year to make them eligible to sit for their final examination.
Leave application should always be addressed to the principal through class teacher.