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Guidelines To Parents
he school believes in discipline and in firmness. Slackness, disobedience and disregard to school rules will not beolerated. In light of common sense or of good manners, any work or action likely to lower the image of the school is regarded as a breach of school discipline. The school reserves the right to expel students whose diligence or the progress in studies is considered unsatisfactory or whose conduct is harmful to other students Immorality, insubordination or contempt of authority and breaking bounds are always sufficient reasons for immediate expulsion or rustication.
arents are required not to enter the class rooms to see their child or teacher during their class hours without the permission of the Principal. Kindly stick to visit hours as announced from time to time.
hey are required to inform the school if there is any change in their address/telephone numbers.
eave for half day should not be asked for security reasons. In emergency, written permission must be taken from the Principal and Class Teacher should be informed.
ll leave applications should be sent in advance before proceeding on leave. Applications should be addressed to the Principal through the Class Teacher.
hildren when sick, should not be sent to school to attend test/classes.
arent's attention is drawn to the fact that criticism of the teacher or the school in the presence of the student should be scrupulously avoided because it causes the student lose respect for his/her teacher with the consequent failure to them and will relate his/her progress.
hould there be any legitimate complaint, please see the Principal at once or write a separate letter addressed to him/her. He/She will look into this matter personally.
ny communication made by the parents/guardians should be addressed to the Principal through the Class Teacher.
arents should sign the Progress Report and acknowledge the same to the school within three days. If the report card is lost, replacement will be made only after a payment of Rs. 50/-.
he name, admission no., class and section of the pupil should be clearly marked on the belongings of the student e.g. blazers, ties, jerseys, skirts, pants and shirts.
arents are required to co-operate with the school in its attempt to help their ward's progress by paying attention to his/her regularity, punctuality & discipline and by taking interest in their child's work. They should check the diary every day and the home work and other instructions given. In case of small children, they are advised to check the bags of their wards to see if any notice/invitation etc. has been issued.
are must be taken of the school property. If any damage is done, it will be made good by the concerned student together with a fine imposed for the offence.
arents are advised to give pocket money judiciously to the student.
t is not advisable to bring valuable articles like expensive watches, fountain pens, calculators, mobile phones and jewellery to school. In case of any loss of valuable or other articles the authorities will try their best to trace it, but shall not undertake any responsibility for the same.
ll students are expected to join the school on the notified dates at the beginning of the term. A fine of Rs. 5/- per day of absence is imposed unless the Principal is informed before the end of assembly, on the last working day. Parents and guardians will appreciate that absence during the term is not in the best interest of the student. They are asked not to apply for leave if it can possibly be avoided.
he wards of those parents who avoid meeting the school authorities, when advised to do so, may not be allowed to attend the classes.
arents should consult the school calendar, date sheets and other circulars before making enquiries.
t is compulsory for the student to complete 80% attendance in the year to make him/her eligible to sit for the final examination.